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A vintage market in Aberdeen

Actualizado: 29 mar 2020

This Sunday, a friend of mine I and felt the curiosity to approach a vintage market that was held at the Aberdeen Arts Center. This tall, gray-colored building with red doors is a cultural center and Aberdinian theatre. Inside it took place the Aberdeen's Affordable Vintage Fair (from 11 am to 4 pm) organized by Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair, an organization that brings together the finest vintage traders in the UK. During the event there was a hectic atmosphere despite the high ceilings of the building. The cost of the entrance, which was two pounds for those over 16, was not a problem for the anxious people who dreamed of the styling and decoration of the '60s. In general, there were selling a very wide selection of vintage objects from the '40s to the '90s. In the background you could hear hits of the time, such as "Take me on", "We built this city", "Tell me ma "and some other song from The Beach Boys.

Most things for sale were garments, from blouses of colourful prints, denim trousers, collectibles to even big chunky coats. And accessories. Many accessories. So many, that I myself ended up buying a second-hand buffalo leather bag from the brand "Cellini". I have no idea what brand it is, but the bag is beautiful and the woman who sold it to me seemed convinced that it is a more affordable brand of Celline. I want to believe it. Anyway, I'm in love with the bag and in days like today, I do everything possible to bring it to the uni, although I am not able of getting all the things I need inside and I end up carrying things in my hands. And therefore, my limbs freeze due to the wonderful sun and temperature of Aberdeen. I am very stubborn and I do not mind admitting it.

The important thing about the story is that we had a great time watching and touching pieces of this revolutionary era. Also, mention that the salespeople seemed to have gotten into the characters of the '60s. I don't know if it was a marketing strategy or the melancholy that the era belongs to the past and no longer to the present.

Finally, I add a dodgy photo of mine, made on the street without any embarrassment or scruple. Well, a bit of embarrassment. What I want is to show how the purse looks like, of which I have talked so much and I have so few photos. Surely in the following posts you will get to see it more frequently and the photos will be of better quality. I promise.

Happy week!

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