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Those fascinating people called Londoners

Who are these cheerful yet stressed citizens of the city of 10 million inhabitants and the most cosmopolitan in the world (after New York)? What characterizes them and why is it worth analyzing them?

Only when the urge to keep up with the unstoppable pace that this city sets ceases, are they seen in Leadenhall Market having a few beers after a day's work in the City, all smartly dressed in their suits and office attire. Or enjoying a sunny weekend day in Greenwich Park overlooking the sleeping skyscrapers of Canary Wharf. They are also seen buying the most spectacular flowers on a Sunday at the Columbia Road Flower Market or having a pint in the bars on the River Lee in Hackney.

Diversity serves as inspiration for those who dare to wear outlandishly colored clothes, show-stopping coats, and risky textures that sometimes remind us of the eclectic architecture that the city brings together. Meanwhile, others feel more comfortable among fabrics with a discreet and classic style. This ambiguity is reminiscent of the serious but at the same time sarcastic personality so typical of the English. However, the character of Londoners is shaped by millions of floating residents who arrive from the most exotic places on the planet, and inevitably, all this input of mixtures has an influence on the cultural trends that govern the city. In fact, the changing preferences of society can be explained in part because the UK's migrant population is concentrated in London, with Indian, Polish and Pakistani nationalities leading the lists of foreign-born residents. So it is not surprising that curry occupies a small but significant place on the menu of classic pubs, even having its own name of "Pub curry".

However, some customs are so ingrained that it is the newcomer to the city who surrenders to the rules of the game. If you've been in London for a while, you'll have bought a meal deal at some point, you'll have a hot water bottle, and worst of all, you've crossed your mind to pay for Pret A Manger's monthly subscription for beverages.

In this place where the inhabitants say they love their city and feel that they are Londoners, not English, the avant-garde and modernity accelerated by globalization are experienced. For my part, I look forward to soon return to this bustling city, which I consider a melting pot for creative thinking and self growth.

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